Cards Against Humanity
Cards against humanity is a multiplayer offline card game that can be played with friends. In this redesign, I tried to take the offline version and incorporate it into an easily accessible mobile app.
My role
User Experience Design
Visual Design
User Research
Tools & Technologies
Adobe XD
1 week
Problem Area
How might we create an easy-to-use app for an offline game while still covering all the possible paths keeping it simple, easy and fun to use.
Primary Research- Competitive Analysis and User Interviews
Researched the web version of the game and similar gaming apps to identify the key pain points of the game
Interviewed with people between the age group of 18-25 to understand their pain points with such apps and identified difficulties while using the website game.
Insights From Research
Lots of steps for the user
Starting the app to starting the game required an ample number of steps which led to the user being frustrated.
Lack of visual cues
Difficulty understanding how to select an answer card
No visual element to describe the judge for a particular round
No leaderboard
Frustration with game
Users did not understand how to join a game or create a game room easily.
Wait times for every game leave the player frustrated.
Game flow
Visual Design
Enter user name
Making it easy for players to be able to enter their name which can also be changed later
Create or join a game
Once player has entered their name, they would be taken to the screen where they can join or create a game.
Create game room - Game details
Users will be then prompted to enter game details if they wish to create a game room and invite their friends
Join a game room
The user will be able to join a game by the help of the game code provided by the game room maker.
Game room initialization
Once players have join the game room they would be prompted to start a game only if the no.of players is greater than or equal to 5
Player game screen
Question with answers written in white cards are given to players to select from. A timer to reduce the wait time is given to all the players.
Leaderboard can be seen by dragging the bottom layer and the leaderboard can be seen easily with the person having the highest points at the top.
Judge's waiting screen
The judge is notified when they have been the judge and waiting for answers.
Judge's game screen
The judge is given a clear indication that they are the judge and they need to select a card within the allotted time or else a random card gets selected.
Winner board
The winning screen displays the name of the winner with the points they have won followed by other people's points in descending order.